To attend to the disciplinary cases of the staff in Education Department.
2) To put up proposal to concerned authorize for orders regarding preparation of duplicate service
record, grant of medical aid to school staff, regularizing cases by dispensing with production of
M.M.E.'s encashment of leave , stagnation increment, grant of L.T.A. in respect of school staff.
3) To study and scrutinize and dispose of individual representation from the schools staff in connection
with seniority and finally put up proposals with specific recommendations/justifications to E.O. for
orders, if any changes are required.
4) To put up proposals regarding change in date of birth, names etc. in respect of school staff to
D.M.C.'s orders through L.O/ D.A.E.F. as they case may be.
5) To attend to correspondence regarding O & M.O.(M.C.'s) report regarding visit of his staff to
schools to inspect maintenance of muster, record etc and follow up reports.
6) To send charge report to Jt.C.A wherever necessary and pass orders regarding recovery as per
recommendations of Jt. C.A. upto the limit of Rs.500/-
7) To put up proposals regarding in-charge allowance to Dy.Head Teachers for looking after Head
Teachers work over 3 months to E.O. for administrative sanction etc.
8) To study and scrutinize and dispose of individual representation form the school staff in the matter
of grade, allowances, pay, increment, confirmation etc. and finally put up proposals with specific
recommendation /justification to E.O. for orders, if any charges are required.
9) To attend to the work of monthly diaries of A.O.(Schools)
10) To accept resignation, voluntary retirement and termination/cessation of teachers and pass orders on
the proposals referred as per provision of Bombay Municipal Corporation (Service Regulation, 1989.
Invalidation cases as per M.M.E.'s certificates of schools staff as per rules and after following procedure
as laid down and give intimation to Head office for nothing.
11) To attend to the individual applications and/or those received for transfer of Teachers/ Dy. Head
Teachers/Head Teachers.
12) To sanction continuation beyond 55 years to school staff i.e. Class IV
13) To sanction leave cases with benefits of vacations to schools staff with diet allowances and monetary
benefits as per rules.
14) To give permission for holding send-off functions in respect of school staff as per rules laid down in
this behalf.
15) To put up proposals regarding confirmation of Asstt. Teachers in the ones as per rules after obtaining
remark of B.O.'s etc to E.O. for sanction.
16) Grant of N.O.C. for going out of India and forward application for outside employment as per rules in
respect of school staff (except application to M.P.S.C)
17) To maintain register of final P/F/Pension claim of school staff in respective one and submit quarterly
reports to D.A.E.F in the required proforma.
18) To collect information regarding requirements of books, furniture etc. other teaching materials,
Science materials maps etc and put up proposals regarding the respective zones to E.O. for orders.
19) To put proposals regarding repairs to T.V. Sets, Clocks, Sewing Machines, Chairs and other
equipments in the schools to E.O. for orders.
20) To collect information and collect the same with regard to furniture articles in the schools in the zone
and put up to E.O. for further sanction.
21) To collect requirement of text books for schools in the zones and put up proposals to E.O. for further
sanction and arrange the distribution thereof after sanction.
22) Scrutinizing and sanctioning request for use of halls, playgrounds, maidans, school premises and
compounds for temporary use up to 3 days as per rules.
23) To put up the proposals regarding change of name of schools & office addresses, telephones and allied
matters in the zones with recommendations, to E.O.
24) To study proposals regarding acquisition of plots, construction of schools and classes, etc in the newly
constructed building for schools.
25) To attend to proposals regarding allotment of accommodation for schools and classes, etc. in the
newly constructed building for schools.
26) To attend M.C./D.M.C.'s rounds, E.C's inspection round as when instructed.
27) To arrange and supervise the inauguration functions of new school building and after obtaining E.O.'s
28) As per the funds allocated to respective zones, to maintain a register therefore and make periodical
report to E.O. regarding utilization of funds with regard to (and also attend to work regarding the
1. Repairs to the schools premises, school compounds, and playground access roads to
2. Providing ceiling fans, suction tanks, over head storage tanks, pumping sets, loud
speakers and separate water connection etc.
3. Cleanliness of school premises, compounds, insecticide treatment, planting of trees,
unhealthy surrounding etc.
4. Electric installations in the schools.
5. Special and heavy repairs to schools.
29) To attend to the correspondence regarding.
I. Nuisance to school building/to compounds from eatable sellers.
II. Fire to schools buildings.
III. Planting of and laying gardens in schools in zones.
30) To deal with proposals in the matter of Trust funds, Prizes, Scholarship to pupils in the schools in the
zones which have already been approval by the Administration?
31) To put up new proposals regarding administrative approval through E.O.
32) To sanction proposals regarding granting advances to the schools in the respective zones for electricity
33) To scrutinize and sanction non-departmental bills upto Rs.100/- subject to rules in the matter of
nominal charges, transport charges, repairs to articles within the grant allocated to zones.
34) To attend to correspondence regarding accidents, mishaps, missing of pupils, theft etc and to submit
report in this respect to E.O. for information & to follow up action.
35) To formulate proposals in connection with conduct of examinations in municipal schools and to
process after getting E.O.'s for information & to follow up action.
36) To attend to correspondence regarding conduct of Drawing Exams. For municipal schools children
with the Govt.
37) To attend to the work of-
i) Giving permission for practice lessons.
ii) Giving permission and for change in medium of pupils upto IV
38) To plan and supervise the conduct of vacation Classes in the respective zones as per the program
given by the E.O.
39) To attend to the work of giving permission to school excursions for more than one day 's duration upto
3 days and also for outside City limits as per rules.
40) To attend to correspondence with schools and decide as per policy regarding displays of photos of
National Leaders.
41) To attend to the correspondence regarding medical inspection of schools children in respective zones.
42) To attend to the correspondence regarding co-operative stores.
43) To maintain a file and attend correspondence regarding weekly programmer and monthly reports form
A.O.'s (Schools).
44) To attend the correspondence regarding loss of books of Teachers Library by teachers, for the
responsibility and propose recovery.
45) To attend the correspondence regarding adoption of schools by Lions Clubs etc. and to put up
proposals to E.O. for orders.
46) To attend the correspondence regarding nuisance and harassment by out siders to school to school
staff and students and Vice-versa.
47) To attend the correspondence regarding admissions of pupils in schools.
48) To scrutinize the proposals and put up for administrative sanction with D.L. to M.S. wherever
necessary regarding opening &closing of schools, introduction of single, double & shorter sessions,
splitting & amalgamation of schools, conversion of schools into classes & vice versa, opening and
closing of higher stds. etc. taking over private schools.
49) To collect information from the A.O.'s (Schools) in respective zones and submit to E.O. regarding
S.N.O.'s interpellations, Notice of motion, outstanding resolution etc.
50) To attend to the work and decide regarding shifting of classes and schools in the case of emergency
under intimation to E.O.
51) To verify and scrutinize proposals received form A.O.'s (Schools) in the respective zones regarding
requirements of teachers and class IV employees viz. Peons, P.T. Hamals, Mali caretakers, Security
Guards and submit to E.O. for orders.
52) To attend the correspondence and decide regarding duty hours and duty list etc. of schools staff as per
rules and formula already sanctioned.
53) To attend to allotment and adjustment of Class IV employees in schools in respective zones and
putting up requirement to Head Office.
54) To assist the E.O. in implementation of different schemes, policy decisions in the schools in zones.
55) To attend to the work of management and opening of mentally retarded schools/classes in the zones.
56) To make overall inspection of schools comprising in the zones at least once in 3 years and fix the
grade of the schools.
57) To place the activities and supervise the work of the staff of Audit Visual Section in the respective
58) To guide A.O.'s (School) in the respective zone in planning and organizing centers.
59) To attend to any other work that may be assignment by the supervisors/E.O.
60) To order Preliminary Enquiry on the following cases and submit the Preliminary Enquiry reports with
their recommendations to E.O. for further orders.
i) Anonymous complaints
ii) Employees remaining absent unauthorized
iii) Loss of school Leaving Certificate from the schools
iv) Tempering of records such as putting wrong time in the muster, misuse, etc.
v) Negligence of duties of minor nature and insubordination to the superiors and misbehavior.
61) To refer the cases regarding following subjects to A.O. (Enquiry) or E.O. as mentioned there
i) Cases involving pilferage or misappropriation of Municipal Property or funds and moral
turpitude A.O.(Enquiry)
ii) Theft cases-Security officer
iii) Friction or Fight amongst the Municipal Employee-E.O.
62) To work as a Chairperson of Promotion Committee for deciding Promotions of Head Teachers and
Dy. Head Teachers.
63) To work as a Chairperson of Interview Pannel Board of Teacher Post
64) To work as a Chairperson of Tender Committee for selecting books.
65) To work as resource person for the training programme for the officers, Beat Officers, Head Teachers
and Dy.Head Teachers at Training Centre.
66) To attend to Interpellations as and when directed by E.O. to remain present as a representative for the
meeting called by A.M.C/M.C. as and when directed by E.O.
67) To pay the visits to Administrative Officers supervise the work of Administrative Officers.
68) To sanction the C.L. to A.O. (Schools)
69) To approve the weekly programme of A.O. (S) and check their diaries.
70) To organize meeting of A.O.(S) periodically and to guide them
71) To attend ward councilors meeting as representative of E.O.
72) Writing of confidential history sheet of A.O.(Schools)
73) Any other work assigned by education officer and other higher authorities.
Additional Duties of Education Officer
1) To get the repair work of the schools done.
2) To get the school building demolished those which are beyond repair.
3) To make available the drinking water, room facility and clock room facility in case they are not
available or found in sufficient to get the school compound work done where they don't exist and to get
the broken school compounds repaired.
4) To make necessary arrangement for keeping school premises clean.
5) To make use of schools halls only for students programmes, parents meeting and educational activities.
6) To make available sufficient learning materials to the students for upgrading the standards of education.
7) To publish the manual of Education Department.
8) To widened the scope of adoption of schools.
9) To increase the budgetary provision of school repair work
10)To increase the budgetary provision of impress
11)To make necessary budgetary provision to carry out the above work.
12)To support vermiculture project being implemented in schools at all wards.
13)To support & implement SSA at schools level
14)To inspect the distribution 26 item to all Municipal schools.
15)To inspect reserve plots for Municipal Schools.
16)To look after the repairs of rented / owned premises
17)To conduct mid-day meal scheme
18)To regulate newly introduced Public Partnership Cell of Education Department.
2) To put up proposal to concerned authorize for orders regarding preparation of duplicate service
record, grant of medical aid to school staff, regularizing cases by dispensing with production of
M.M.E.'s encashment of leave , stagnation increment, grant of L.T.A. in respect of school staff.
3) To study and scrutinize and dispose of individual representation from the schools staff in connection
with seniority and finally put up proposals with specific recommendations/justifications to E.O. for
orders, if any changes are required.
4) To put up proposals regarding change in date of birth, names etc. in respect of school staff to
D.M.C.'s orders through L.O/ D.A.E.F. as they case may be.
5) To attend to correspondence regarding O & M.O.(M.C.'s) report regarding visit of his staff to
schools to inspect maintenance of muster, record etc and follow up reports.
6) To send charge report to Jt.C.A wherever necessary and pass orders regarding recovery as per
recommendations of Jt. C.A. upto the limit of Rs.500/-
7) To put up proposals regarding in-charge allowance to Dy.Head Teachers for looking after Head
Teachers work over 3 months to E.O. for administrative sanction etc.
8) To study and scrutinize and dispose of individual representation form the school staff in the matter
of grade, allowances, pay, increment, confirmation etc. and finally put up proposals with specific
recommendation /justification to E.O. for orders, if any charges are required.
9) To attend to the work of monthly diaries of A.O.(Schools)
10) To accept resignation, voluntary retirement and termination/cessation of teachers and pass orders on
the proposals referred as per provision of Bombay Municipal Corporation (Service Regulation, 1989.
Invalidation cases as per M.M.E.'s certificates of schools staff as per rules and after following procedure
as laid down and give intimation to Head office for nothing.
11) To attend to the individual applications and/or those received for transfer of Teachers/ Dy. Head
Teachers/Head Teachers.
12) To sanction continuation beyond 55 years to school staff i.e. Class IV
13) To sanction leave cases with benefits of vacations to schools staff with diet allowances and monetary
benefits as per rules.
14) To give permission for holding send-off functions in respect of school staff as per rules laid down in
this behalf.
15) To put up proposals regarding confirmation of Asstt. Teachers in the ones as per rules after obtaining
remark of B.O.'s etc to E.O. for sanction.
16) Grant of N.O.C. for going out of India and forward application for outside employment as per rules in
respect of school staff (except application to M.P.S.C)
17) To maintain register of final P/F/Pension claim of school staff in respective one and submit quarterly
reports to D.A.E.F in the required proforma.
18) To collect information regarding requirements of books, furniture etc. other teaching materials,
Science materials maps etc and put up proposals regarding the respective zones to E.O. for orders.
19) To put proposals regarding repairs to T.V. Sets, Clocks, Sewing Machines, Chairs and other
equipments in the schools to E.O. for orders.
20) To collect information and collect the same with regard to furniture articles in the schools in the zone
and put up to E.O. for further sanction.
21) To collect requirement of text books for schools in the zones and put up proposals to E.O. for further
sanction and arrange the distribution thereof after sanction.
22) Scrutinizing and sanctioning request for use of halls, playgrounds, maidans, school premises and
compounds for temporary use up to 3 days as per rules.
23) To put up the proposals regarding change of name of schools & office addresses, telephones and allied
matters in the zones with recommendations, to E.O.
24) To study proposals regarding acquisition of plots, construction of schools and classes, etc in the newly
constructed building for schools.
25) To attend to proposals regarding allotment of accommodation for schools and classes, etc. in the
newly constructed building for schools.
26) To attend M.C./D.M.C.'s rounds, E.C's inspection round as when instructed.
27) To arrange and supervise the inauguration functions of new school building and after obtaining E.O.'s
28) As per the funds allocated to respective zones, to maintain a register therefore and make periodical
report to E.O. regarding utilization of funds with regard to (and also attend to work regarding the
1. Repairs to the schools premises, school compounds, and playground access roads to
2. Providing ceiling fans, suction tanks, over head storage tanks, pumping sets, loud
speakers and separate water connection etc.
3. Cleanliness of school premises, compounds, insecticide treatment, planting of trees,
unhealthy surrounding etc.
4. Electric installations in the schools.
5. Special and heavy repairs to schools.
29) To attend to the correspondence regarding.
I. Nuisance to school building/to compounds from eatable sellers.
II. Fire to schools buildings.
III. Planting of and laying gardens in schools in zones.
30) To deal with proposals in the matter of Trust funds, Prizes, Scholarship to pupils in the schools in the
zones which have already been approval by the Administration?
31) To put up new proposals regarding administrative approval through E.O.
32) To sanction proposals regarding granting advances to the schools in the respective zones for electricity
33) To scrutinize and sanction non-departmental bills upto Rs.100/- subject to rules in the matter of
nominal charges, transport charges, repairs to articles within the grant allocated to zones.
34) To attend to correspondence regarding accidents, mishaps, missing of pupils, theft etc and to submit
report in this respect to E.O. for information & to follow up action.
35) To formulate proposals in connection with conduct of examinations in municipal schools and to
process after getting E.O.'s for information & to follow up action.
36) To attend to correspondence regarding conduct of Drawing Exams. For municipal schools children
with the Govt.
37) To attend to the work of-
i) Giving permission for practice lessons.
ii) Giving permission and for change in medium of pupils upto IV
38) To plan and supervise the conduct of vacation Classes in the respective zones as per the program
given by the E.O.
39) To attend to the work of giving permission to school excursions for more than one day 's duration upto
3 days and also for outside City limits as per rules.
40) To attend to correspondence with schools and decide as per policy regarding displays of photos of
National Leaders.
41) To attend to the correspondence regarding medical inspection of schools children in respective zones.
42) To attend to the correspondence regarding co-operative stores.
43) To maintain a file and attend correspondence regarding weekly programmer and monthly reports form
A.O.'s (Schools).
44) To attend the correspondence regarding loss of books of Teachers Library by teachers, for the
responsibility and propose recovery.
45) To attend the correspondence regarding adoption of schools by Lions Clubs etc. and to put up
proposals to E.O. for orders.
46) To attend the correspondence regarding nuisance and harassment by out siders to school to school
staff and students and Vice-versa.
47) To attend the correspondence regarding admissions of pupils in schools.
48) To scrutinize the proposals and put up for administrative sanction with D.L. to M.S. wherever
necessary regarding opening &closing of schools, introduction of single, double & shorter sessions,
splitting & amalgamation of schools, conversion of schools into classes & vice versa, opening and
closing of higher stds. etc. taking over private schools.
49) To collect information from the A.O.'s (Schools) in respective zones and submit to E.O. regarding
S.N.O.'s interpellations, Notice of motion, outstanding resolution etc.
50) To attend to the work and decide regarding shifting of classes and schools in the case of emergency
under intimation to E.O.
51) To verify and scrutinize proposals received form A.O.'s (Schools) in the respective zones regarding
requirements of teachers and class IV employees viz. Peons, P.T. Hamals, Mali caretakers, Security
Guards and submit to E.O. for orders.
52) To attend the correspondence and decide regarding duty hours and duty list etc. of schools staff as per
rules and formula already sanctioned.
53) To attend to allotment and adjustment of Class IV employees in schools in respective zones and
putting up requirement to Head Office.
54) To assist the E.O. in implementation of different schemes, policy decisions in the schools in zones.
55) To attend to the work of management and opening of mentally retarded schools/classes in the zones.
56) To make overall inspection of schools comprising in the zones at least once in 3 years and fix the
grade of the schools.
57) To place the activities and supervise the work of the staff of Audit Visual Section in the respective
58) To guide A.O.'s (School) in the respective zone in planning and organizing centers.
59) To attend to any other work that may be assignment by the supervisors/E.O.
60) To order Preliminary Enquiry on the following cases and submit the Preliminary Enquiry reports with
their recommendations to E.O. for further orders.
i) Anonymous complaints
ii) Employees remaining absent unauthorized
iii) Loss of school Leaving Certificate from the schools
iv) Tempering of records such as putting wrong time in the muster, misuse, etc.
v) Negligence of duties of minor nature and insubordination to the superiors and misbehavior.
61) To refer the cases regarding following subjects to A.O. (Enquiry) or E.O. as mentioned there
i) Cases involving pilferage or misappropriation of Municipal Property or funds and moral
turpitude A.O.(Enquiry)
ii) Theft cases-Security officer
iii) Friction or Fight amongst the Municipal Employee-E.O.
62) To work as a Chairperson of Promotion Committee for deciding Promotions of Head Teachers and
Dy. Head Teachers.
63) To work as a Chairperson of Interview Pannel Board of Teacher Post
64) To work as a Chairperson of Tender Committee for selecting books.
65) To work as resource person for the training programme for the officers, Beat Officers, Head Teachers
and Dy.Head Teachers at Training Centre.
66) To attend to Interpellations as and when directed by E.O. to remain present as a representative for the
meeting called by A.M.C/M.C. as and when directed by E.O.
67) To pay the visits to Administrative Officers supervise the work of Administrative Officers.
68) To sanction the C.L. to A.O. (Schools)
69) To approve the weekly programme of A.O. (S) and check their diaries.
70) To organize meeting of A.O.(S) periodically and to guide them
71) To attend ward councilors meeting as representative of E.O.
72) Writing of confidential history sheet of A.O.(Schools)
73) Any other work assigned by education officer and other higher authorities.
Additional Duties of Education Officer
1) To get the repair work of the schools done.
2) To get the school building demolished those which are beyond repair.
3) To make available the drinking water, room facility and clock room facility in case they are not
available or found in sufficient to get the school compound work done where they don't exist and to get
the broken school compounds repaired.
4) To make necessary arrangement for keeping school premises clean.
5) To make use of schools halls only for students programmes, parents meeting and educational activities.
6) To make available sufficient learning materials to the students for upgrading the standards of education.
7) To publish the manual of Education Department.
8) To widened the scope of adoption of schools.
9) To increase the budgetary provision of school repair work
10)To increase the budgetary provision of impress
11)To make necessary budgetary provision to carry out the above work.
12)To support vermiculture project being implemented in schools at all wards.
13)To support & implement SSA at schools level
14)To inspect the distribution 26 item to all Municipal schools.
15)To inspect reserve plots for Municipal Schools.
16)To look after the repairs of rented / owned premises
17)To conduct mid-day meal scheme
18)To regulate newly introduced Public Partnership Cell of Education Department.
A fishing leader is a crucial component in angling equipment, serving as a short length of specialized fishing line that connects the main fishing line to the hook or lure. It plays a pivotal role in various fishing techniques, primarily by providing added strength, abrasion resistance, and visibility. What is a fishing leader constructed from materials like monofilament, fluorocarbon, or wire, each chosen for specific fishing scenarios.